New CIA director highlights China, climate as top threats

WASHINGTON (Reuters) — CIA Director William Burns said on Wednesday that China and climate change are the top two threats facing the United States, underscoring concerns about Beijing’s rising power and the increasing severity of extreme weather events..

In his first major speech since being confirmed by the Senate in March, Burns said the CIA was focused on countering China, which he described as “the most important geopolitical threat we face in the 21st century.”.

“China’s leaders are determined to make their country the world’s leading power by the middle of this century,” Burns said at the Georgia Institute of Technology. “They are rapidly modernizing their military, expanding their influence through economic coercion and building up a surveillance state that can reach far beyond their borders.”.

Burns said the CIA was also closely monitoring the threat posed by climate change, which he called “a profound danger to our economy, our security, and our planet.”.

“The accelerating pace of climate change is already having a significant impact on our national security,” Burns said. “It is increasing the risk of conflict over resources, displacing populations, and exacerbating extreme weather events.”.

Burns said the CIA was working to provide policymakers with the intelligence they need to address these threats..

“The CIA’s mission is to provide our policymakers with the best possible intelligence on the threats facing our country,” Burns said. “We are committed to doing everything we can to help keep America safe.”.

Burns’ speech comes at a time of heightened tensions between the United States and China. The two countries have been clashing over a range of issues, including trade, technology, and human rights..

The Biden administration has made countering China a top priority. In February, the administration released a National Security Strategy that identified China as the “most consequential geopolitical challenge” facing the United States..

Climate change is also a major concern for the Biden administration. In January, the administration rejoined the Paris Agreement on climate change. The agreement commits the United States to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 50% to 52% below 2005 levels by 2030..

Burns’ speech highlights the importance of the CIA in addressing the threats facing the United States. The CIA is a vital source of intelligence on these threats, and it plays a key role in helping policymakers develop effective responses..

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