Two guests at a hotel in central China’s Hubei Province performed a daring rescue after a 5-year-old boy fell from a fourth-floor window on Tuesday, July 19..
Surveillance camera footage shows the boy falling from the window and landing on a 10th-floor canopy. He then slid down to the eighth floor and hung precariously from the edge..
Two hotel guests, a man and a woman, saw the boy dangling from the window and rushed to help. The man climbed onto the canopy and grabbed the boy, while the woman held the man’s legs to prevent him from falling..
Together, they managed to pull the boy back into the room through the window. The boy was taken to the hospital and is now in stable condition..
The boy’s parents were not present at the time of the accident. It is believed that the boy climbed onto a stool and fell out of the open window..
The hotel staff praised the two guests for their bravery and quick thinking. The guests, who have not been identified, said they were just glad they could help..