Urban Outfitters brand president steps down
Philadelphia-based Urban Outfitters

“We appreciate the contributions he made during his tenure and wish him well in his future endeavors,” the company said in a news statement.
Pierrel joined the company less than a year ago from Club MonacoHarringtonFree People
He is credited for having extensive omni-channel retailing and wholesale experience, having worked previously as president of stores and e-commerce for Ralph LaurenLacosteDiesel
“I am pleased to welcome Francis to our company and the Urban Outfitters brand,” said Richard Hayne
“He is a seasoned omni-channel retail executive with deep experience in managing iconic brands across all channels – e-commerce, stores, and wholesale. We believe his strong leadership will greatly benefit the Urban Outfitters brand.”
Last month, Urban Outfitters, Inc. announced revenues for the third quarter increased by almost 4%, fueled by strong comparable sales at the apparel company’s Anthropologie
By brand, comparable retail sales decreased 9% at Urban Outfitters, however, while wholesale sales for the brand climbed 6%.